Potato Pancakes Shopping List:
butter or margarine (enough, melted, for a ¼-inch layer)
2 tablespoons flour
1 ½ teaspoons salt
¼ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
6 medium potatoes, washed 2 eggs, well beaten
1 teaspoon grated onion Applesauce or maple syrup, warmed
Potato Pancakes Preparation Instructions:
1. Heat butter in a heavy skillet over low heat.
2. Combine flour, salt, baking powder, and pepper and set aside.
3. Pare and finely grate potatoes; set aside.
4. Combine flour mixture with eggs and onion.
5. Drain liquid from grated potatoes; add potatoes to egg mixture and beat thoroughly.
6. When butter is hot, spoon batter into skillet, allowing about 2 tablespoons for each pancake and leaving about 1 inch between cakes. Cook over medium heat until golden brown and crisp on one side. Turn carefully and brown on other side. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve with applesauce or maple syrup.
Potato Pancakes Recipe: ABOUT 20 PANCAKES
Potato Pancakes