Mallow Sweet Potato Balls Shopping List:
3 cups warm mashed sweet potatoes
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tablespoons melted butter
8 large marshmallows
1 egg
1 tablespoon cold water
1 cup almonds, blanched and chopped
Oil for deep frying
Mallow Sweet Potato Balls Preparation Instructions:
1. Season potatoes and add butter. Mold potato mixture around marshmallows, forming 8 balls with a marshmallow in center of each.
2. Beat egg and mix with cold water. Dip sweet potato balls in egg and then in almonds.
3. Slowly heat oil in a wok to 365°F. When oil is hot, fry sweet potato balls until brown, turning occasionally.
Mallow Sweet Potato Balls Recipe: 8 SERVINGS
Mallow Sweet Potato Balls