Sailor’s Borsch Shopping List:
1 can (46 ounces) tomato juice
1 tablespoon beef stock base
1 teaspoon salt
1 can or jar (16 ounces) sliced beets
1/3 cup coarsely chopped parsley
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 carton (8 ounces) plain yogurt
Sailor’s Borsch Preparing Instructions:
l. Heat 1 cup tomato juice, beef stock base, and salt in a saucepan. Stir until beef stock base and salt are dissolved.
2. Combine 1 cup tomato juice with beets and liquid, parsley, and vinegar in an electric blender or bowl; blend or beat until beets are finely chopped. Combine both mixtures with remaining tomato juice. Chill.
3. Top each serving with a dollop of yogurt.
Sailor’s Borsch Recipe: ABOUT 2 QUARTS SOUP
Note: Borsch may be served hot. Yogurt may be stirred in just before serving, if desired.
Sailor’s Borsch