Guacamole Shopping List:
1 small clove garlic
2 large ripe avocados, peeled
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon chili powder (optional)
Salt to taste
Guacamole Preparing Instructions:
1. Using steel blade, mince garlic. Add avocado and remaining ingredients and process to desired consistency. (Remember to use quick on/ off motions if a coarse, chunky consistency is desited.)
2. Serve as a dip with tortilla chips, on lettuce as a salad, or as a filling for tacos.
Note: If not served immediately, refrigerate in a covered bowl with avocado pits immersed in guacamole. This will help prevent the avocado from darkening on standing.
Guacamole Recipe: ABOUT 2 CUPS DIP