Eggs Pisto Style Shopping List:
1 large clove garlic
cup thinly sliced onion
cup slivered green pepper
½ cup olive oil
1 cup thin raw potato strips
1 tablespoon choppedparsley
1/3 cup (2 ounces) dicedcooked ham
2 cups small cubes yellowsummer squash
2 cups finely cut peeled ripetomatoes
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon sugar
½ teaspoon pepper
6 eggs, beaten
Eggs Pisto Style Preparation Instructions:
1. Add garlic, onion, and green pepper to heated olive oilin a large wok; cook until softened, then remove garlic.
2. Add remaining ingredients except eggs to wok; cookover medium heat, stirring frequently, about 10 minutes, or until squash is just tender.
3. Pour beaten eggs into vegetables, and cook over lowheat. With a spatula, lift mixture from bottom and sides asit thickens, allowing uncooked portion to flow to bottom.
Cook until eggs are thick and creamy.
Eggs Pisto Style Recipe: 6 SERVINGS
Eggs Pisto Style