Chocolate Custard Shopping List:
1 package (6 ounces) semisweet chocolate pieces
3 tablespoons half-and-half 3 cups milk
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
⅓ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
Chocolate Custard Preparation Instructions:
1. Melt ⅔ cup chocolate pieces with half-and-half in top of a double boiler over hot (not boiling) water. Stir until smooth; spoon about 1 tablespoon into each of 8 custard cups or 10 souffle dishes. Spread evenly. Put cups into a shallow pan; set aside.
2. Scald milk. Melt remaining ⅓ cup chocolate pieces and, adding gradually, stir in scalded milk until blended.
3. Beat together eggs, vanilla extract, sugar, and salt. Gradually add milk mixture, stirring constantly. Pour into chocolate-lined cups.
4. Set pan with filled cups on oven rack and pour boiling water into pan to a depth of 1 inch.
5. Bake, uncovered, at 325° F 25 minutes, or until a knife inserted halfway between center and edge comes out clean.
6. Set cups on wire rack to cool slightly. Refrigerate and serve when thoroughly cooled. Unmold and, if desired, garnish with whipped cream rosettes.
Chocolate Custard Recipe: 8 TO 10 SERVINGS
Chocolate Custard